30 Day Kickstart

A 30 day gut reset is an empowering journey for both body and mind. It’s a truly personal experience that is based on healing, optimising your wellbeing, changing your habits and making you feel great, with my support every step of the way.

Are you struggling with your weight, food cravings, health, skin, brain fog, sleep and/or energy?

Worrying about food, your health and your weight can feel like a constant battle and struggle. You may have spent years yo-yo dieting, feeling out of control around food or turning to food to cope with emotions.  All of the above symptoms can be connected to what we eat and the health of our gut.

Unfortunately, diets and quick-fixes rarely work for long-term weight loss but using supplements to heal your body and optimise your gut health, under a qualified professional can achieve great results that motivate you whilst we also work on your mindset, get to know the right nutrition for you and introduce workouts that work.  

As your coach, my job is to help free you from that constant struggle, rollercoaster and battle that has brought you here. You will receive the tools to get you to your goal weight and permanently keep it off without feeling miserable or deprived.

Let’s Work Together

Have you struggled for years with your weight - going on one diet after another, losing a bit of weight but then putting it all back on again?​

Do you suffer with a health concern and are fed up of treating the symptoms vs the root cause?

Have you lost all motivation to eat healthily and to exercise?

Are you always planning to start a new diet “tomorrow” or on Monday?

Do you feel tired, lethargic and just wonder where all that energy that you used to have has gone?

Can you remember when you last got up in the morning feeling refreshed and energised after a good night’s sleep?

Do you feel you have lost control over your food choices?

Do you turn to chocolate, cakes and treats the moment you get stressed, upset or a bit bored? 

Are you fed up of not fitting into your clothes anymore, not feeling good in your own skin and just don't know what to do about it?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, I can help you get to the root cause of your issues around food and help you to make lasting changes.

Client results

“Pre my 121 assessment with Taryn I suffered from IBS, low energy and an abundance of other things that showed me off her chart in the wrong direction! I was stressed which fueled bad decisions around what I was eating and then made me feel scrap so then the cycle started again! On the programme, I never felt hungry and enjoyed taking control of what I was consuming and seeing some quick changes. Physical results were very visible - my skin was glowing, and I lost 7 inches and 10lbs!! The biggest positive for me was my mood and energy levels- just shows what a huge impact your diet has on you, and my IBS was under control. Thanks Taryn”

Sam, UK

“My only regret is not finding you sooner.”

Jane, UK

“Recently completed the 30 day programme! Positive results included improved overall health, better sleep, weight loss, no more stomach discomfort, and increased energy levels. Taryn’s professional advice and guidance is brilliant.”

C Le Roux

“I had been suffering with bloating, fatigue, irritation in the stomach for some time and decided to do something about it. Taryn talked me through what the 30 day programme could offer and I am glad I took the plunge. I enjoyed the change in mindset, and my positive results were seen in change in appetite, weight loss, no bloating and more energy. Taryn's guidance was great and supported me through to the end with reintroduction to food for the next steps.”

N. Read

“Before starting the 30 day programme with Taryn I was feeling very sluggish and low following a foot injury and a few other minor medical conditions. Taryn explained everything so clearly and was willing to help and be there to support me throughout the programme. The programme itself was great and I have lost weight, have more energy, my foot is healing really fast now and I feel back on top! I even managed it during lockdown and home schooling! Thanks Taryn for your support and help.”

G Grace

1:1 Support

We will target the root of your health, your gut. Why? Because it is connected to every element of physical and mental wellbeing. So often, we treat the problem vs the root cause and by targeting the gut, you can optimise your health.

The programme will:

  • heal, soothe and repair your gut lining

  • rebalance your gut bacteria

  • detoxify your body on a cellular level

  • improve your heart health and circulation

  • provide the nutrition your body needs to be able to achieve your goals

  • strengthen your immune system

  • help you become more aware of what your body needs to optimise at its best

  • support you in letting go of the things that are holding you back

All programmes are personalised and tailored to your specific needs. I will support you in between sessions and check-in regularly. All sessions are run online as video calls on Zoom.

The 30 Day Weightloss Kickstart:

  • One 45 minute kick off session

  • One 45 minute follow-up session

  • 30 day nutrition, exercise and lifestyle plan inc. pharma grade supplements to optimise your gut health and overall wellbeing

  • Daily emails to keep you on track with instructions, recipe ideas, mindset, exercise and more

  • Whats app support

  • Investment: £297

Meet Taryn

Here to help you to love both your body and mind so that you can live a life you love.

Looking to lose weight without diets or restrictions? You've come to the right place.

I'm Taryn and my life's mission is to help women like you regain confidence in yourself and transform your body and mind.

Free yourself from that constant struggle with food.

Get to your goal weight and keep it off without feeling miserable.

Love yourself and your body again.

Live the life you truly deserve.

Are you ready?

P.S. I believe that both your time and my time are precious. I run a busy private clinic, alongside significant nutrition and coaching work with the NHS, so only work with those who are ready to do the work and invest in their health. As such, you will always find programme prices on the website.

Free consultation

I understand how important it is to find the right person to work with based on your specific needs. 

Therefore, I offer a free 20-minute phone consultation to anyone that is thinking about signing up for coaching.

It gives you the opportunity to speak to and get to know me before committing to a programme.